News In Brief

Trump, Mexican President spar over border wall again

Reuters, Nashville

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday accused Mexico of doing “nothing” to stop illegal immigrants crossing into the United States, and repeated his election campaign pledge that Mexico would pay for his planned border wall.
Very quickly Mexico replied: no we won’t.

Lavrov to visit North Korea

Reuters, Moscow

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will visit North Korea on Thursday to hold talks with his counterpart Ri Yong Ho about the situation on the Korean peninsula, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.
Lavrov said the meeting, which will take place ahead of a possible summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, would help him understand North Korea’s position on the nuclear settlement.

Italy renews attempt to form new govt

Reuters, Rome


Italy searched for a last-minute exit from almost three months of political turmoil on Wednesday, with its biggest party looking to make a renewed attempt to form a coalition government with the right-wing League. The two anti-establishment parties, the 5-Star Movement and League, had abandoned plans to jointly take power at the weekend after the president blocked their proposed cabinet lineup.

Militants attack Afghan interior ministry

AFP, Kabul

Militants launched a gun and bomb attack on the interior ministry in Kabul Wednesday, days after the Taliban vowed to target military and intelligence centres in the Afghan capital. Special forces were on the scene, a security source told AFP, after an explosion at a checkpoint leading to the compound.

Zimbabwe polls July. 30

AP, Harare

Zimbabwe will hold elections on July. 30, according to an announcement by President Emmerson Mnangagwa in a government notice. These will be Zimbabwe’s first ever elections since independence from white minority rule in 1980 without the participation of Robert Mugabe, who resigned in November amid pressure from the military, his party and the public.
