News In Brief

7 including 2 civilians killed in anti-India fighting
AP, Srinagar
Government forces killed five rebels in fighting in Indian-controlled Kashmir on Sunday, police said, as the second day of anti-India protests and clashes left two civilians dead and scores of people injured in the disputed region.
Hundreds of villagers threw rocks at Indian troops in a bid to help rebels who were trapped in a civilian home in southern Shopian area, police said.

Russian protest leader Navalny released
AFP, Moscow
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was detained during a weekend protest on the eve of Vladimir Putin’s inauguration for a fourth term, has been released and faces a court hearing next week, his lawyer said Sunday.
The charismatic 41-year-old politician, who was barred from challenging Putin in March’s presidential election, had called on Russians to stage rallies across the country on Saturday under the slogan “Not our Tsar”.

France outraged by Trump remarks on Bataclan attacks
AFP, Paris
France has condemned remarks by US President Donald Trump about the 2015 attacks in Paris and called on him to show respect for the victims of the worst bloodshed on French soil since World War II. The foreign ministry voiced its “firm disapproval” of the comments, in criticism amplified by former leaders, as well as survivors of the atrocity who unleashed their fury on Twitter.


UK’s FS heads to US visit
AFP, London
British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson will on Sunday begin a two-day visit to Washington, with the Iran nuclear deal, Syria and North Korea on top of the agenda, the Foreign Office said. Johnson will meet US Vice President Mike Pence, National Security Advisor John Bolton and Congressional foreign policy leaders.

Six Hamas army men killed in Gaza
AFP, Gaza City
Six people were killed in an unexplained explosion in the central Gaza Strip on Saturday, health officials said, with Hamas’s military wing saying they were members of its forces. Gaza’s health ministry confirmed six people were killed, updating the figure from an initial five, and three others wounded in what residents said appeared to be an accidental explosion in the Az-Zawayda area of the central Gaza Strip.

Spain rescues 476 migrants
AP, Madrid
Spain’s maritime rescue service says it has saved 476 migrants in a two-day span who were attempting the perilous crossing of the Mediterranean Sea from African shores.
The service says it pulled the migrants from 15 small boats on Friday and Saturday.
