News In Brief

Macron, Trump to dine at Mt Vernon on Monday
AFP, Mount Vernon
The Trumps, it seems, have not forgotten their intimate meal with the Macrons on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower last July. They return the favor Monday, this time at an American landmark.
US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania have invited French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte for a private dinner at Mount Vernon, the lavish Virginia mansion of first president and founding father George Washington.
4 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire
AP, Gaza City
Gunfire from Israeli soldiers across a border fence killed four Palestinians, including a 15-year-old boy, and wounded more than 150 others, health officials said, as several thousand people in blockaded Gaza staged a fourth round of weekly protests on the border with Israel. Huge black plumes of smoke from burning tires engulfed the border area Friday. Some of the activists threw stones toward the fence or flew kites with flaming rags dangling from their tails.

BJP sweeps municipal polls in Jharkhand
PTI , Jharkhand
The ruling BJP swept all the five Municipal Corporations for the posts of Mayor and deputy Mayor, polls for which were held on party lines for the first time in Jharkhand on Monday last.
An elated Chief Minister Raghubar Das said it is the victory of politics of development of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

German police defuse WW2 bomb
Reuters, Berlin
Bomb disposal experts defused a World War Two bomb in Berlin on Friday after evacuating an area in the heart of Berlin including the central train station, a hospital and the Economy Ministry.
The 500-kg British bomb was discovered during building work this week, more than seven decades after the end of World War Two. Some 10,000 people – including residents, hospital patients and office workers – were evacuated from 9 a.m. from buildings within an 800 metre radius of the bomb while experts performed the delicate operation.
