News in brief

Macron tells Putin he wants to ‘intensify’ Syria dialogue
AFP, Paris :
French President Emmanuel Macron told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin during a telephone call Friday that he wanted to “intensify” talks on bringing peace to Syria.
“The president of the Republic said he wanted the dialogue between France and Russia to continue and intensify in order to bring peace and stability to Syria,” Macron’s office said after the call, which came as the West ponders possible strikes on Syria in retaliation for a suspected chemical attack.

Trump lawyer Cohen seeks delay in porn star’s lawsuit
Reuters, Washington :
President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, on Friday filed for a 90-day delay in porn star Stormy Daniels’ defamation lawsuit, citing Monday’s raids on his home, office and hotel room by U.S. prosecutors.
Cohen had already notified U.S. District Court in Los Angeles on Thursday that he intended to request a stay in Daniels’ lawsuit against him and Trump “on the grounds that an ongoing criminal investigation overlaps with the facts of this case.”

Syria, Iran dominate Arab League summit
AFP, Dhahran :
Arab leaders-minus Syrian President Bashar al-Assad-meet in Saudi Arabia for a summit on Sunday as world powers face off over Syria and tensions rise between Riyadh and Tehran.
Saudi Arabia is pushing for a tough, unified stance against its regional arch-rival Iran at the annual gathering of the 22-member Arab League.


China FM visits Japan for talks
AFP, Tokyo :
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was due in Tokyo Sunday for a visit seen as a sign of a gradual thaw between the Asian rivals, amid flurries of diplomacy over North Korea.
Shortly after his arrival, Wang will meet his Japanese counterpart Taro Kono with their talks expected to touch on key subjects such as economic relations, territorial disputes in the East China Sea, and ways to push North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, Japanese officials have said.

Montenegro votes for next president
AP, Montenegro :
Voters in Montenegro were casting ballots Sunday in a presidential election, with former Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic expected to win after his party defied Russia and took the small Balkan nation into NATO last year. The vote is the first since Montenegro joined the Western military alliance in December.

11 Afghan paras killed
AP, Kabul :
At least 11 Afghan paramilitary forces were killed when the Taliban attacked their checkpoint, an official said Sunday. Zabi Amani, a spokesman for the governor of the northern Sari Pul province, said two other forces were wounded in the attack late Saturday.
