News In Brief

Man electrocuted in Gafargaon

 Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent

A man named Sharful Islam (55) has been electrocuted at Gafargaon Upazila under Mymensingh on Saturday afternoon. The deceased was identified as Sharful Islam (55) at Longair village under Pagla Thana of this Upazila. Deceased family sources said , Sharful Islam went to switch on water tank after finishing the work of mason of his own building. He was critically injured to switch on the water tank. Later, his relatives sent him to Gafargaon Upazila Health Complex at 5-30pm but the doctor on duty declared him dead.

Vegetables vendor killed in Bagerhat road mishap

Bagerhat Correspondent


Akkas Ali Fakir (40), a vegetables vendor met his tragic end when he was crushed under the wheels of a speeding passenger bus on Bagerhat-Khulna Highway at Fultala under Sadar Upazila in Bagerhat on Sunday. Eye-witnesses said , on the day after purchasing vegetables from C & B Bazar under Sadar Upazila the deceased was returning to his destination by his own van and when he reached the place of occurrence the killer bus that was coming from the opposite direction dashed his van violently. As a result, he fell from the van on the Highway and the bus ran over him. Consequently, he was killed on the spot. The deceased was the son of one late Kashem Fakir of village Majhidanga under Sadar Upazila.

Jail Killing Day observed in Gouripur

Gouripur, Mymensingh

The Jail Killing Day was observed on Friday in Gouripur upazila of Mymensingh district marking the assassination of four top Awami League leaders inside Dhaka Central Jail on November 3, 1975. Awami League and its front organizations, different socio-cultural and professional organizations observed the day through programmes. The programmes include hoisting of National and Party flags at half-mast, wearing black badges, floral wreaths and discussion and special prayers. On the occasion, Gouripur Upazila Awami League brought out a mourning procession in the morning. The procession began from Upazila Awami League office. Freedom Fighter Nazim Uddin Ahmed, MP led the procession which paraded Rajbari road, Maddha Bazar, Notan Bazar and ended at the Bangabandhu Chatter.Leaders and workers of the upazila Awami league and its front organisations took part in the procession with wearing back badges. After the procession, Freedom Fighter Nazim Uddin Ahmed placed floral wreaths at the portraits of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and four national leaders- Tajuddin Ahmed, Syed Nazrul Islam, Capt Monsur Ali and AHM Kamruzzaman at the Bangabandhu Chatter in upazila town and offered Fateha . Acting President of the upazila Awami League Dr. Helal Uddin, General Secretary of the upazila Awami League Babu Bidhu Bhushan Das, former president of the upazila Awami League Adv .freedom fighter Abul Kalam Azad, AL leaders Md. Abul Kalam , Shah Munnaf, Iqbal Hossain Jowel and leaders of different front organisations were present there.
