News In Brief


Elderly woman burnt alive in Barisal

Barisal Correspondent

A septuagenarian woman was burnt to death as a fire broke out at a house at Rajguru village in Babuganj upazila early Monday. The deceased was identified as Kulsum Bibi,71, wife of late Aziz Howlader.Police said the fire originated from an oil lamp at the house of Kulsum Bibi in the dead of night.She was brunt alive as she could not come out of the house due to her illness.Local people rushed to the spot and extinguished the blaze.

One arrested with pickup in Barisal

Driver with a pickup was arrested while a gang tried to steal batteries from the mobile phone towers at Babuganj Degree College under Barisal district on Tuesday. Sub Inspector Amanullah of Babuganj police station said a gang of five persons on two motorcycles with a pickup reaching at the Babuganj Degree College gate at 9:30 am claimed that they came from the maintenance sections of mobile phone company for servicing and changing batteries of mobile phone towers. After that they went to roof-top of the two storied building and disconnecting power supply opened 21 batteries worth Tk 4 lakhs from the Grameen Phone tower. Preserving those batteries covering a plastic sack put inside the pickup (no. Dhaka-Metro-N-16-6963), the gang again went on roof-top for opening batteries from the tower of Robi Axiata.

Two drug traders arrested with yaba in Tongi

Gazipur Correspondent


Two drug traders were arrested with 100 pieces of yaba tablet from Ershadnagar area of Tongi under Gazipur city corporation on Tuesday. The arrested were identified as Habibur Rahman,35, son of late Billal Hossain and Deen Mohammed,35, son of late Sobhan Miah of the area. Sub-inspector of Tongi model police station Mohammed Mizanur Rahman said that on a secret information, police conducted a raid in the house of Habibur Rahman and recovered 100 pieces of yaba tablets from the house. Police arrested the two youths Habibur Rahman and Deen Mohammed from the house while they were taking preparation to go out for selling the yaba. Police said that there are several drug cases against the arrestees with Tongi Model Police Station. The arrested were sent to Gazipur jail through court.

Cattle trader mugged in Jessore

Jessore Correspondent

A cattle trader was mugged at Benekhari under Sharsha upazila in Jessore on Tuesday afternoon. Muggers took away Tk 10 lakh from Abdul Momin while he was going to buy cattle at Satmail by a motorbike at around 4pm. Confirming the information, Kanu Chakrawarti, Sub Inspector, Sharsha police station told that the police were on operations after having complaint about the mugging incident. None was arrested till filing of the report.

2 arrested with Tk 52 thousand fake currencies

Bagerhat Correspondent

Police of Kachua PS arrested 2 persons along with Tk. 52 thousand 5 hundred counterfeit currencies from Madartala village under Kachua Upazila in Bagerhat and Kandapra village under Bagerhat Sadar Upazila on Tuesday night. They are Bani Amin Shaikh (18), son of one Moksed Shaikh of village Besargati under Bagerhat Sadar Upazila and Fazar Ali Shaikh (35), son of one Mosahraf Ali Shaikh of the same village. In this connection SI Humayun Kabir of Kachua PS registered a case with Kachua PS against four persons under Special Power Act of 1974.
