News In Brief

Raqqa campaign in ‘final stages’: SDF

Reuters, Beirut

The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said on Wednesday its campaign to capture Raqqa from Islamic State (IS) was in its final stages and its fighters had seized 80 percent of the city.
In a statement, the SDF said it had opened a new front against IS on the northern edge of Raqqa, describing this as “a feature of the final stages of the Euphrates Wrath campaign, which is nearing its end”.

UK, S Arabia sign military coop deal

AFP, Riyadh

 Saudi Arabia and Britain signed a framework deal for military cooperation, Saudi state media said Tuesday, just two days after Gulf rival Qatar signed a deal to buy jet fighters from the European nation.
The agreement came after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman discussed security ties with visiting British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah, the Saudi Press Agency said without disclosing details of the agreement.

NZ ruling party leading in poll

Reuters, Wellington

New Zealand’s ruling National Party regained a wide lead over the opposition Labour Party in an opinion poll on Wednesday after party leaders went head-to-head in the final debate before Saturday’s election.
It was the second poll in recent weeks to show Prime Minister Bill English’s party, which has held power for a decade, holding a near double-digit lead.


Indonesia militant gets 11 years in prison

AP, Jakarta

An Indonesian militant linked to the Islamic State group smiled and raised one finger toward heaven after a court on Wednesday sentenced him to 11 years in prison for leading a plot to attack a presidential guard-changing ceremony in Jakarta.
At the same sentencing hearing, a co-conspirator, who received six years in prison, shook his fist in the air and shouted “God is Great.”

Heavy rain paralyses Mumbai

Xinhua . New Delhi

Heavy rains hit India’s financial capital Mumbai and affected rail and air traffic in the city, officials said Wednesday. The rains started Tuesday afternoon and continued throughout night, triggering water logging and traffic jams.

Afghan President urges dialogue with Pakistan

AFP, United Nations

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani appealed Tuesday to Pakistan to work together to curb extremists, seeing an opportunity as the United States sends in more troops.
Addressing the UN General Assembly, Ghani said US President Donald Trump’s new Afghan strategy sent a signal to Taliban guerrillas that they cannot win on the field and must negotiate peace.
