News in brief

Pope, Trump to meet despite disagreements
AFP, Vatican City
Pope Francis will receive US President Donald Trump at the Vatican on May 24, the first official meeting for the two leaders who have found themselves starkly at odds on issues including migration and climate change. Trump’s morning audience with Francis will come just days before he is scheduled to attend a G7 summit meeting in Sicily.

No US combat troops to stay in Iraq after IS : Abadi
AP, Baghdad
Iraq’s Prime Minister says no U.S. combat troops will stay in Iraq after the fight against the Islamic State is concluded.
Haider al-Abadi remarks came in a statement Friday morning following a report by The Associated Press that talks are ongoing between Iraq and the U.S. on maintaining American forces in Iraq.

Czech PM not ready to resign
AP, Prague
Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka says he has changed his mind about resigning with his government and instead wants to solve a political crisis by firing his finance minister.
Sobotka triggered the crisis on Tuesday by announcing he would resign over the business dealings of the finance minister. He said the minister, billionaire businessman Andrej Babis, had not properly explained suspicions that he avoided paying taxes.
