News In Brief


US vows to end ‘Israel-bashing’ at UN
AFP, Washington
The US ambassador to the United Nations received a rapturous welcome Monday at Washington’s biggest pro-Israel forum, where she vowed never to allow “Israel-bashing” at the world body.
Nikki Haley was addressing the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference for the first time since President Donald Trump named her Washington’s UN envoy. And she drew a clear line under the record of her predecessor, who in December abstained from a UN Security Council vote, thus allowing a resolution criticising Israeli settlements to pass.

2 Kashmiris killed in protest against Indian rule
Two civilians were killed and 18 other people were injured in anti-India protests that erupted Tuesday following a gunbattle between rebels and government forces in disputed Kashmir, police and witnesses said.
The gunbattle began after police and soldiers cordoned off the southern town of Chadoora following a tip that at least one militant was hiding in a house, said Inspector-General Syed Javaid Mujtaba Gillani.

North Korea tests rocket engine
Reuters, Washington
North Korea has carried out another test of a rocket engine that U.S. officials believe could be part of its programme to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile, officials told Reuters on Monday.
The latest test follows one earlier this month, and is another sign of Pyongyang’s advancing weapons programme. It comes amid mounting U.S. concerns about additional missile and nuclear tests, potentially in the near future.


NATO confirms Rex Tillerson meeting Friday
AFP, Brussels
 NATO said it has rescheduled a key meeting of foreign ministers for Friday after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was unable to make the original date next week.
“Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers moved forward to 31 March,” NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said on Twitter on Monday.
The NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels had been planned for April 5 and 6, but that was thrown into chaos last week when Tillerson revealed he would not be attending due to other commitments.

Riots in Paris after Chinese man shot dead
Reuters, Paris
French police said on Tuesday they opened an inquiry after a Chinese man was shot dead by police at his Paris home, triggering riots in the French capital by members of the Chinese community and a diplomatic protest by Beijing.
The shooting on Sunday, which led China’s foreign ministry to call in a French diplomat, brought about a 100 members of the French-Chinese community on to the streets in Paris’s main Chinatown district on Monday night.
