News in brief


France pays tribute to victims of Nice attacks
AP, Nice
Franch President Francois Hollande is presiding at a ceremony paying homage to the 86 people killed when an Islamic extremist rammed his truck through crowds watching holiday fireworks in Nice.
The ceremony on Saturday is taking place on the top of a hill overlooking the Promenade des Anglais, in the presence of families, people injured, religious representatives, France’s main political leaders and Nice local authorities.

Suicide bombing kills 31 in Baghdad
AP, Baghdad
Iraqi police and hospital officials say the death toll from a suicide bombing at a funeral gathering in northern Baghdad increased to 31, with another 65 people wounded.
The attack occurred at around lunchtime on Saturday, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, which comes as Iraqi security forces are preparing for an operation to retake the militant-held northern city of Mosul from the Islamic State group.


Israel suspends cooperation with Unesco
AFP, Jerusalem
Israel suspended cooperation with Unesco on Friday after the UN cultural organisation adopted two resolutions on the occupied Palestinian territories including annexed east Jerusalem ahead of a final vote next week.
In a letter sent to Unesco Director General Irina Bokova, Education Minister Naftali Bennett accused the body of ignoring “thousands of years of Jewish ties to Jerusalem” and aiding “Islamist terror”.

Wife belongs in the kitchen: Buhari
Reuters, Berlin
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday dismissed criticism voiced by his wife Aisha Buhari in a BBC interview, saying she belonged in the kitchen and he had “superior knowledge” about running a government. “I don’t know exactly what party my wife belongs to. Actually she belongs in the kitchen, the living room and the other rooms in my house,” Buhari told reporters with a chuckle after a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
