News in brief

China eyes closer military ties with Myanmar
Reuters, Beijing
China’s military wants to strengthen ties with neighbouring Myanmar by having more exchanges and greater cooperation, a top officer told Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi during a visit to the Southeast Asian country, state media said on Saturday.
China has been on a diplomatic offensive ever since the Nobel Peace Prize laureate’s government came to power in April, aiming to forge good ties with its resource-rich neighbour.

S. Korean media sound alarm over ‘nuclear maniac’
AFP, Seoul
South Korean newspapers sounded the alarm Saturday over what one termed the “nuclear maniac” Kim Jong-Un, saying the North Korean leader’s fifth and biggest nuclear test is a game-changer demanding a tougher response.
One newspaper urged Seoul to persuade its ally Washington to redeploy tactical nuclear weapons withdrawn from South Korea in the early 1990s.

US inmates launch nationwide prison protests
AFP, Washington
Prisoners throughout the United States went on strike Friday, answering social media calls to protest prison living conditions in a mobilization whose magnitude remains difficult to assess.
Two Florida prisons-Gulf Correctional and Mayo Correctional-were placed on lockdown following “disturbances,” according to the Miami Herald newspaper.
Late Wednesday at Holmes Correctional in northwestern Florida, a revolt involving more than 400 inmates preceded the nationwide strike.
