News in brief

China urged to respect law for Asian stability
AP, Davao
The top diplomats of Japan and the Philippines have called on China to avoid intimidation and follow the rule of law in disputed waters where Beijing is defying an arbitration ruling that invalidated its vast territorial claims.
Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr. and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida made the call Thursday after meeting in Davao, where they discussed ways to enhance ties and their countries’ territorial disputes with China.

Militants blow up Nigerian pipeline
Reuters, Nigeria
Militants blew up another crude pipeline in Nigeria’s Niger Delta, a youth and protest leader said on Thursday.
Protesters also continued to block the entrance to a Chevron oil depot in the restive southern region for a third day.

‘No room’ for gay community, says Indonesia
AFP, Jakarta
Indonesia said Thursday there was “no room” for the gay community in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country, as activists blasted officials for an unprecedented series of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) attacks.
A wave of angry rhetoric directed at homosexuals earlier this year – including a call to ban them from university campuses – was the first time senior officials had publicly attacked the Southeast Asian nation’s gay community, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report released Thursday.

Torkham border gate opened to traffic, Landi Kotal
The newly built Pakistan Gate on the Torkham border was opened on Wednesday to both traffic and pedestrians, albeit without a formal ceremony.
Painted with colours of the national flag, the iron gate was opened at around 11am to vehicles crossing over to Afghanistan and coming into Pakistan.
Pedestrians were also allowed to use the side gate while walking on a fenced footpath.
Pakistan plans to build similar gates at seven other crossing points on the border with Afghanistan – at Arandu in Chitral, Chaman in Balochistan, Gursal in the Bajaur tribal region, Nawa Pass in Mohmand Agency, Karlachi in Kurram, Ghulam Khan in North Waziristan and Angoor Adda in South Waziristan.
