New rule for visitors in CMCH

A Correspondent :
The Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) authorities are going to introduce a new rule for visitors and attendants on Saturday to restrict unwanted movement on the compound and ensure security.
As per the rule, each inpatient will be allowed to have one attendant and both of them will be given gate-passes, said CMCH officials. The attendant will have to show the pass every time he or she enters the hospital.
On the other hand, the authorities have fixed the visiting hours. From November to February visitors can meet their patients from 3:00pm to 5:00pm and between March and October it will be 4:00pm to 6:00pm.
The CMCH authorities came up with the move as they got a lot of complaints of stealing money and other valuables of patients as well as doctors from different wards. Moreover, free movement of brokers of private clinics, diagnostic centres and pharmacies were seen in different wards, said sources. CMCH Director Brig Gen Md Jalal Uddin said 18 Ansar men along with 12 security guards would be deployed at the entrances while the nursing-in-charge of each ward will issue the gate-pass to the attendants. The rule of having only one attendant can be relaxed in special cases with doctors’ permission, he added.
Doctors, staff and patients welcomed the new rule, expecting that it will bring discipline in the hospital. Nurul Huda, associate professor of the Nephrology department of CMCH, said earlier, treatment procedure used to get disrupted by unwanted people in wards.