Commentary: Netanyahu’s arrogance and US built power means war


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has put the peace negotiations with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to a halt blaming the reconciliation deal of Al-Fattah with rival Islamist group Hamas for a unity government in Gaza and West Bank and the follow up elections in the next six months to come. Israel was always blackmailing the Palestinians in negotiation table exploiting their rift in domestic politics but the unity deal appears to have come to strengthen the hand of President Abbas this time and as a big embarrassment to the Israeli leader. Netanyahu now says since Hamas is a ‘terrorist’ organization and does not recognize Israel, he will not talk to Abbas so long as Hamas will be a party to the Palestinian leadership. Commentators wonder how Israel calls Hamas a terrorist group when Netanyahu leads state terrorism and he himself is a big terrorist. It is the Israeli regime that keeps an entire Palestinian population under occupation over the years with daily shootouts and killing and eviction of people from their homes and property. They hold the view that Mahmoud Abbas’s deal with Hamas will have more moderating effect on the Islamist group to make easier a peaceful negotiation with Israel. But Netanyahu is talking otherwise now and halted the peace talks blaming Hamas’s inclusion to the Palestinian government to avoid making peace. Analysts say in fact, Hamas is Israel’s best friend as long as Tel Aviv can project it as a terrorist group committed to destroying Israel. If Hamas ever recognizes Israel, which may be possible in negotiations under Mahmoud Abbas as part of a two state solution, Netanyahu in fact will have no more politics to oppose the creation of the state of Palestine.But questions have surfaced again as to whether or not the US is playing the role of a neutral and sensible go between the two sides. When the negotiations resume at the beginning of the second term of President Barack Obama under Secretary of State John Kerry, Israel immediately started using the occasion to torpedo the peace talks.The earlier peace talks under Hillary Clinton also broke down on the settlement issue and yet Netanyahu started authorizing construction of thousand of new homes in East Jerusalem and West Bank this time too while withholding the release of Palestinian prisoners half way to put the talks to collapse. President Obama made it clear in Seoul on Friday saying he did not expect any prompt restart to the peace talks in the Middle East, it needs a pause. In fact this is what the Palestinian peace talks now really means highlighting the double standard role of the US which in turn allowing Israel more time to grab the entire land keeping the Palestinian leaders illusive about a US brokered settlement. This is unfortunate that the West is not being helpful to Muslims despite the fact the Muslim countries have been cooperative with the West. However our governments were not shrewed enough to face western strategy although they were sincere enough to live with the west.The West have been condemning and harming Muslim interest showing stateless terrorism of few Muslims as individual or group. However, it is not that these Muslim terrorists have no genuine grievances of wrong doings and injustices committed by the USA and others against Muslims in Palestine, Syria and many other countries. The savagery committed in Syria was easily forgotten when America found it convenient to secure support of Russia over Iran crisis. The problem is that the Muslims countries are not united in holding high the interest of the Muslims.We want to see unity among Muslim countries for fighting the causes of the Palestinians and Syrian peoples. As we see, the Palestinians people have no option but to fight to recover their land from illegal occupation. They have waited long in desperate hope that the USA will deliver them but failed. We also hold the view that the move for unity of the Palestinians people as taken by Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leaders has come at a crucial time when Israel is almost grabbing the entire West Bank. The Palestinians have suffered humiliation and defeat for adventurism of some elements and groups. They have shown they wanted peace but peace failed them. But the Palestinians must prepare for a desperate but united fight to end the occupation. When the United States and the rest of the West will see that Muslim countries are serious and united both for peace and war only then the United States will realize Israel has no use or importance. Netanyahu is the worst example of a leader for Israel as peace-loving country, not deserving war and atrocities on the Palestinians. Israel is now an embarrassment for America it will prove disaster for America soon if the course of events does not change.  
