Full text of N'ganj 7-murder verdict: Need strong message to avert such brutality

Staff Reporter :
The High Court on Monday published the full text of the judgement of the Narayanganj 7-murder case. It pitched for the need of a strong message to avert grotesque and brutal crimes such as the Narayanganj seven murders.
The court placed its observation with the explanation that crimes of “extreme brutality” such as the seven murders are not repeated “by anybody else”.
These were the observations mentioned in the full text of the High Court’s verdict on the sensational Narayanganj seven-murder, released yesterday.
“A strong message needs to be sent to the perpetrators of grotesque crimes and inhuman conduct in ghastly manner against humanity so that no such gravest crime of extreme brutality as committed by the convicted-accused persons of this case is committed by anybody else in future and that none is above law,” the court observed.
Originally, the High Court upheld death for 15 of the convicts, including ex-RAB officers and ousted Awami League leader Nur Hossain, in the cases.
They were found guilty of murdering seven people, who were abducted back in April 2014. Their bodies were found floating in the Shitalakkhya river.
From the facts, circumstances, and evidence on record, it is evident that both the defence-accused personnel and civil accused-personnel conjointly under criminal conspiracy and pre-planning in furtherance of their common intention abducted the victims, killed them and dropped their bodies in the river, the text said.
From the evidence and materials on record, it appears that the victim-deceased persons were at first kidnapped in a preplanned way out of conspiracy, then were killed by twisting their mouth with polythene and by strangulation with rope, the dead bodies were tied up with plastic sacks, it added.
On August 22 last year, the High Court upheld death penalty of 15 convicted persons, including three former top RAB officials and expelled Awami League leader Nur Hossain, for their involvement in conspiracy, abduction and killing of seven Narayanganj men in 2014.
The judges, however, commuted the capital punishment of 11 others to life imprisonment — all of whom were sentenced to death by a Narayanganj Court in the murder case. They also upheld jail terms of nine others for various terms ranging from seven to 17 years.
Seven people, including Narayanganj City Corporation panel mayor Nazrul Islam and senior lawyer Chandan Sarker, were abducted from the Dhaka-Narayanganj link road on April 27, 2014. Later, their bodies were found floating in the Shitalakkhya river.
Two cases were filed in this incident. Charge sheets in the two cases were submitted in April 2015.
Following the charge framing on February 8, 2016, the court recorded testimonies of 106 witnesses and heard arguments from both the prosecution and the defence before fixing January 16 for delivering the verdict. Both the cases were tried simultaneously as they were filed over one incident.
The court awarded death penalty to 26 accused as the “charges of abduction, killing and hiding bodies” were proved against them beyond reasonable doubt.