NBR to consider removing car duty disparity

Economic Reporter :
National Board of Revenue (NBR) would consider removing the existing disparity between the duties on the imported new and reconditioned cars.
Chairman Md Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan said this in response to a demand raised by the leaders of Bangladesh Reconditioned Vehicles Importers and Dealers Association (BARVIDA) at a pre-budget meeting at NBR Auditorium on Sunday.
“We would try to consider removing the duty disparity in next national budget,” he said, referring to the presentation on the duty structures regarding the imported new and reconditioned cars by the BARVIDA leaders.
The NBR chairman said the price of new car has to be fixed similarly with the international market so the importers could not show lower price than the actual one.
Citing the budget of this fiscal, he said the import of hybrid cars has been encouraged that is why the number of those fuel efficient cars is now increasing to reduce dependency on fuel.
Mosharraf Hossain said the government does not encourage car assembling in the country rather it would frame a policy for car production and motivate the entrepreneurs.