To control 2nd wave of Corona: Nat’l committee recommends for strict health rules


Reza Mahmud :
To prevent probable second wave of covid-19 attack in the country the National Technical Advisory Committee on Covid-19 has submitted a list of recommendations to the government to comply soon.
It has included government’s stricter role on to maintain health safety rules as per the World Health Organisation’s recommendations.
In the list of the recommendations, the committee urgently urged the government to ensure central oxygen system in every upazila level hospital with sufficient nasal cannula and ventilators.
The committee also stressed on bringing vaccines from countries and organizations able to provide that as early as it will be available for use.
“As a part of taking strong preventive measures central oxygen system is a must to be ensured in every upazila hospital. Without it the ICUs, ventilators and nasal cannulas cannot be workable. So, the fight will be weaker without the centralized oxygen system,” said Professor Dr. Nazrul Islam, former Vice-Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) and the Member of the National Committee.
He said that PM’s order of ‘No mask, no service in government offices’ is a good sign.
 “Besides, Shop Owners Association also has taken ‘no mask no sale’ policy’, all of these are outlined by the committee,” he said.
“To prevent the possible second wave attack of coronavirus, we consider that the health safety rules are the first. If we wear mask, wash hands in 20 seconds minimum and follow the social distancing measures, it will be very useful tools to keep the country safe from the apparent second wave of attack of the fatal disease. So that we have recommended following those health rule sternly,” said Professor Dr. Nazrul Islam.
The committee also suggested bringing all airports and land ports under strict screening system so that no one can be spared of testing corona virus infection after returning from abroad.
They said, as countries in Europe are already facing the second wave of the fatal virus, we must have to be alert especially in our land and airports.
A good number of Bangladeshi diasporas are living in Europe. Occasionally they have to return home to enjoy their vacations with family members.
“In the eve of the possible second wave of the fatal virus spreading, we have to take more precautionary measures including taking aggressive role to compel people to obey the health safety rules to prevent the country from the second wave of the attack,” said the Member of the national committee.
He said, wearing face mask outside, washing hands frequently in 20 seconds minimum, maintaining the social distancing is a simple, but a key to prevent the dangerous disease.
But people are ignoring it as they think that the situation has been improved to get normalized.
The government should start more campaigning to alert people about the danger of the possible second wave.
The member of the national committee is hopeful that the government will use all of its tools to contain the outbreak of the second wave.
The government in the meantime has forged a committee to screening airports and land ports sternly.
“Every one should be tested on Covid after arriving in our ports from any foreign country. If anyone tested positive, he or she must be sent to any near hospital or quarantine centers as soon as possible. It will be more effective, more fruitful,” Professor Nazrul Islam told the daily New Nation.
He, however, said that the Prime Minister has found more advanced now to fight against the possible second wave of the virus.
Professor Nazrul Islam said the government will establish ICU in every district level hospital to fight against the Covid-19.
The national committee is hopeful with the Prime Minister that she will do everything needed for the renewal fight.
