Natalie Portman says sorry to Jessica Simpson over bikini comments

Actor Natalie Portman has apologised to singer Jessica Simpson for name-dropping her during a discussion about sexualisation of women in the media. The actor, who essays the role of a pop star in her new film Vox Lux, had recalled Simpson’s bikini cover for magazine to stress that women have often been overtly sexualised by the media. “I remember being a teenager, and there was Jessica Simpson on the cover of a magazine saying ‘I’m a virgin’ while wearing a bikini, and I was confused. Like, I don’t know what this is trying to tell me as a woman, as a girl,” Portman had said in the interview.
Simpson posted a reply to Portman on social media, saying that she felt disappointed by the actor’s remarks.
“I was disappointed this morning when I read that I ‘confused’ you by wearing a bikini in a published photo taken of me when I was still a virgin in 1999, the singer wrote.