‘NAP needs to focus climate adaptation priorities’


Experts at a workshop have suggested that the National Adaptation Plan (NAP), which is now being formulated to fight climate changes, should focus on adaptation priorities, identify investment strategies and establish monitoring mechanisms.
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), the Economic Relations Division (ERD) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) organised the strategic planning workshop on Saturday at the BRAC CDM in Gazipur to discuss the progress of Bangladesh’s NAP, said an UNDP release here on Sunday.
The workshop focused on key strategic papers drafted by the NAP formulation team. Other issues including its proposed structure and contents; monitoring, evaluation and financing framework; possible investment plan and capacity building and knowledge management on climate change adaptation were also discussed.
The participants highly emphasised the local vulnerability issues, investment plan, adaptation measures and assessment of adaptive capability and capacity development needs of the climate-vulnerable localities.
Advisor of the NAP formulation team Prof Dr Ainun Nishat said NAP should focus on adaptation priorities for combating climate change, identify investment strategies and establish monitoring, reporting and verification mechanisms.
“For successful formulation and implementation of NAP, we need to have consensus on different aspects of the NAP,” he said
Elaborating the capacity development plan in NAP, Dr Nishat said, “The transformative capacity development approach of the NAP will define climate change and answer how it is interlinked with national and sectoral level planning.”
Secretary of MoEFCC Md Mostafa Kamal said, “We need to highly focus on de-carbonization of development efforts and in doing so we should look for all possible avenues to promote green growth without compromising development aspirations.”
