Naogaon towel vendor becomes millionaire buying Walton fridge

Business Desk :
Solaiman Haque, a towel vendor from Naogaon’s Niamatpur Upazila, hame become millionaire after he purchased a Walton refrigerator. Walton is providing the facilities to its customers under the ongoing ‘Digital Campaign Season-7.’ Solaiman intends to invest this money in expansion of his business.
A cheque of BDT 10 lakh was officially handed over to Solaiman Haque at Walton Plaza in the upazila city on Sunday. Niamatpur Upazila Chairman Farid Ahmed, Upazila Awami Jubo League leader Murshed Alam Mithu, Walton’s Naogaon Zone area manager Abdullah Al Mamun and Plaza Manager Raihan Kabir were present on the occasion.
Walton is conducting ‘Digital Campaign’ across the country to accelerate the initiative of building customer database for delivering online based swift and best after sales service. Under Season-7, a customers is likely to get Tk.1 million (10 lakh) through purchasing any model of fridge, washing machine or microwave oven from Walton plaza, distributor outlet and E-Plaza across the country.