N-power plant bill passed

Staff Reporter :
A bill titled ‘Nuclear Power Plant Bill, 2015’ was passed in the Parliament to scrap the ‘Nuclear Power Plant Ordinance, 2015’ and aiming to facilitate the setting up of nuclear power plants in the country.
Science and Technology Minister Architect Yafes Osman moved the Bill and it was passed by voice vote.
The Cabinet on July 13 approved the draft of the
‘Nuclear Power Plant Ordinance, 2015’ when Parliament was not in session. After that President promulgated the ordinance. Under the Bill, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) is the owner organisation while a company, ‘Nuclear Power Plant Company Bangladesh Limited’, will be formed as an operating organisation.
The company also has a Board with the Science and Technology Ministry Secretary as its Chairman, while the Chairman of the BAEC is its director. Besides, there will be minimum seven and maximum 12 Directors in the Board to be appointed by the government.