Myanmar security forces kill 38, martial law called in Yangon areas

People transport a person who was shot during a security force crackdown on anti-coup protesters in Thingangyun, Yangon, Myanmar, Mar 14, 2021.
People transport a person who was shot during a security force crackdown on anti-coup protesters in Thingangyun, Yangon, Myanmar, Mar 14, 2021.

Online Desk:
Myanmar’s security forces have shot dead 38 people “in a day” during an anti-junta protest rally. Among the dead – 22 people were killed in Hlaingthaya, the industrial area of the country’s main city Yangon, and 18 in other places.

It is alleged that the protesters set fire to a factory, belonging to China, before killing so many people in a day.

“It is the bloodiest day since the February 1 coup against Myanmar’s elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi,” says the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).

According to the Chinese side, many Chinese staff were injured in the fire set by unknown miscreants at a Chinese garment factory in Hlaingthaya.

Meanwhile, protesters see China as a “supporter of the military uprising” in Myanmar.


According to local media, security forces fired indiscriminately on protesters as fires broke out in industrial areas, including Chinese garment factories. And there were people from different parts of the country at that demonstration.

“People were shot dead in front of my eyes, which is horrible,” said a photojournalist at the scene, who reluctant to disclose his name. “I will never forget this memory.”

According to the country’s state media, martial law is in force in Hlaingthaya, the former capital and business center of Myanmar, and another district Yangon. Four garment factories and a fertilizer factory were set on fire.

According to the AAPP, protests against the junta uprising in Myanmar are increasing day by day. So far, 126 protesters have been killed and 2,150 people have been unjustly detained. Besides, 300 of them have been released.

Last year, Myanmar’s National League for Democracy (NLD) party was able to form a government by a landslide. However, the country’s army alleged the “transparency” of the election. The army detained Aung San Suu Kyi and other top leaders of the ruling NLD party.
