Myanmar must stop campaign on Rohingya repatriation: BD


Staff Reporter :
Rejecting baseless accusation, falsification and misrepresentation of the facts over the Rohingya repatriation, Bangladesh on Sunday said the government of Myanmar must stop such concocted campaign.
Bangladesh urged Myanmar to concentrate on the fulfillment of its obligations so that the forcibly displaced Rohingyas could return home in a “safe, dignified and voluntary” manner.
It said continued rally of fabricated information, misrepresentation of facts, unsubstantiated claims, and unwarranted accusations to unjustifiably shift the onus of the Rohingya crisis on Bangladesh testifies the campaign of the government of Myanmar to avoid its obligations to create an environment in Rakhine conducive for the sustained repatriation and reintegration of the forcibly displaced Rohingya in their homeland.
At a recent press conference on November 15 by the Ministry of the State Counsellor’s Office of Myanmar, the spokesperson made another venture to unduly attribute the non-commencement of repatriation of the Rohingya entirely to non-cooperation and non-respect of bilateral arrangements by Bangladesh.
Even they went further to resort to intimidation and harsh criticism of the international community for the recent initiatives on the accountability of the perpetrators for atrocity crimes, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here.
It is an established fact that the Rohingya crisis resulted from systematic disenfranchisement and brutal persecutions of this religious minority by the successive regimes in Myanmar, Bangladesh says. “The continuation of the same by the present government is the sole reason for the gravity of the crisis.”
The crisis originated in Myanmar and thus the solution entirely lies there. None other than Myanmar should be responsible for prolongation of the crisis, Bangladesh said.
“Bangladesh has no interest in delaying the repatriation. Sincerity of Bangladesh in facilitating earliest repatriation of Rohingya as per bilateral instruments has been unquestionably established through its actions,” said the ministry.
In the presence of Myanmar official in Cox’s Bazar during the repatriation attempt in August 2019, the Rohingya made it clear to the world media that they possess strong desire to voluntarily return to their ancestral homeland if and only they are assured of safety, security and sustainable living in Rakhine.
“Myanmar must stop exerting pressure on Bangladesh for cooperation in a forcible deportation.”
