Myanmar must do more to protect Rohingyas: UK

UNB, Dhaka :
British Minister for Asia and the Pacific Heather Wheeler has said they encourage the government of Myanmar to comply with the provisional measures, which are legally-binding, and implement the Commission’s recommendations.
“We welcome the International Court of
 Justice’s decision today on provisional measures,” said the Minister in a statement. The Court was clear that Myanmar must do more to protect the Rohingyas, Minister Wheeler said.
The Independent Commission of Enquiry’s admission of atrocities and its recommendations are an important first step towards meaningful domestic accountability, though we don’t agree with much of the Commission’s analysis, according to Foreign & Commonwealth Office. In a sweeping legal victory for members of the Rohingya Muslim minority, the United Nations’ top court on Thursday ordered Myanmar take all measures in its power to prevent genocide against the Rohingya people. The court’s president, Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, said the International Court of Justice “is of the opinion that the Rohingya in Myanmar remain extremely vulnerable.” The court added that its order for so-called provisional measures intended to protect the Rohingya is binding “and creates international legal obligations” on Myanmar. At the end of an hour-long sitting in the court’s wood-paneled Great Hall of Justice, judges also ordered Myanmar to report to them in four months on what measures the country has taken to comply with the order and then to report every six months as the case moves slowly through the world court. Rights activists immediately welcomed the unanimous decision.