Myanmar jokes about its own cruelty but has sown seeds of dividing the country

At long last, Myanmar’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi has made her first visit to the conflict-battered northern state of Rakhine. Not to mention, she has appeared rather sarcastic in choosing the time. Not only the Rakhine State is nearly empty but with more than 200 villages burnt to ashes. The question that came to anybody’s mind is: Did she go to see how completely the brutal task was done by the Myanmar army?
Accompanied by about 20 people travelling in two military helicopters – including army, police and state officials – Aung San Suu Kyi met the remaining Rohingyas. According to a globally renowned international media and a Rohingya spokesperson she only said three things to the members of the persecuted minority, which are – they should live peacefully, the government is there to help them, and they should not quarrel among each other.
After massacre and expulsion of the Rohingyas from their own Rakhine State, Suu Kyi’s advice explained that she is not the leader, the world thought her to be. She spoke like a school teacher at a children’s class.
Suu Kyi did not say anything about taking back the Rohingyas who are still alive but living in miseries in camps of Bangladesh as displaced persons. Taking back the Rohingyas only to be butchered would not be allowed. Safety of the Rohingyas from the militaries in Myanmar has to be guaranteed. There comes the question of freeing Rakhine from the occupation of Myanmar.
Myanmar government on Wednesday accused Bangladesh of delaying the repatriation of Rohingya Muslims who have fled Rakhine State since August. Myanmar has been practically carrying savagery on its own people, but making jokes about the peaceful intentions of Bangladesh government for settlement of the crisis Myanmar created for Bangladesh. Yet, Bangladesh is not ready to see how indignantly Myanmar is treating it. Bangladesh government has no determination of gathering coalition for a powerful response against Myanmar’s military action.
We cannot dispel the belief that the Myanmar government is showing no sign of settling the Rohingya crisis peacefully in discussion with Bangladesh.
What the short-sighted leadership in Myanmar cannot see is that through the present hatred shown towards and butchery committed against Rohingyas, the seeds of dividing Myanmar have been sown.
Rakhine was an independent country of Rohingyas so the only reasonable and secured settlement will be to allow Rakhine to be free as before.