Commentary: Muslim nations together should be enough to punish Myanmar army

Editorial Desk :
The influx of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar continues despite appeals on the Myanmar government by the international community to stop genocide. But surprisingly Muslim countries; which hold the power and resources to mobilize action to stop the genocide, are sitting so far idle limiting activities to issuing statements and urging international bodies to rescue the endangered people without mobilizing meaningful actions in the ground.
It is time Muslims all over believe they must rise to the occasion without witnessing the genocide to pass the message to Myanmar government that they must immediately stop the genocide or risk actions to stop it.
Many believe wealthy and powerful Muslim countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran and UAE must call an urgent OIC summit to discuss the crisis without working on ineffective appeals and isolated moves to make the voice of the Islamic nations heard together that can make sense on the perpetrators. It is unfortunate such actions still missing. Some countries like Iran are alone capable to defeat and punish the corrupt and demoralized Myanmar army; which is less professional and more power hungry and politically active if it were a face-to-face fight. But the fact is that they are away from the crime spot when the Rohingyas find them surrounded by countries sympathetic to Myanmar government in its cleansing mission.
This is a Buddhist belt from Thailand to Vietnam and the open support of the Chinese and Japanese government in international forum along with India and Russian backing has left Bangladesh incapable to save Rohingyas across the border. It appears that the post Second World War international order to guarantee peace and stability for all people in all regions is rapidly breaking apart.
The UN Security Council has become a place for big power gambling at the cost of the weak nations and the world’s endangered population. Not only in Bosnia they allowed mindless butchering of Muslims in 1990s. Rohingyas are the latest victims of such game plan that fits to the interest of one big power or the other.  
Bangladesh has become an unwilling victim of the Myanmar military’s action this time with several thousands Rohingyas arriving daily to the refugee camps leaving behind a terrible memory of many being killed and their villages torched. Unfortunately, the UN is keeping Bangladesh military busy in international peacekeeping missions without calling them to keep their own country’s border safe and protect the refugees in their land.
Indonesia and Malaysia – two important countries in the closer proximity are not enough to resist Myanmar while Brunei and Maldives can hardly do anything when big regional powers are backing the Myanmar military.
Muslims are no doubt powerful in number of people and the wealth most countries possess but when others get united against the Muslims in global politics creating war and dividing them, they become powerless to face global challenges.
Many believe most oil producing countries can exert influence on India and China as big buyers of petroleum resources to convince Myanmar to end the genocide and take back its nationals. They are in no way a threat to their business interest in the area.
Many recall the oil embargo that former Saudi King Faisal impose to bring sense to the US government to stop Israeli aggression on the West Bank in 1967. Such weapon is always effective as it possesses the potentials to stop the wheels of big powers’ economies, which has made them powerful.
The EU has already taken significant step suspending cooperation with Myanmar military to stop the genocide while its leaders said they are waiting for positive response before more actions to stop the crime.
On Wednesday over 40 US lawmakers have called upon the Trump administration for meaningful steps to end the crisis. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has accused the military and called upon them to stop the genocide.
Amnesty International and such other human right organizations are also vocal against the killing. But saving Muslims is essentially the responsibility of powerful Muslim nations. We must say they should not wait that others will save the Rohingyas when they will continue to see it.
Jordan’s queen is arriving to see the Rohingya plight. Turkish First Lady made similar gesture last month. But it is time for actions in the ground that must be considered to prove that Muslims are capable to save their endangered population.
