Israeli aggression: Muslim countries cannot allow Muslims to be killed like flies


It is no more a comfort to know that in spite of all the media reports The UN Human Rights Council voted last Wednesday to launch an inquiry into potential violations of human rights by Israel in its conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The Council’s inquiry would investigate “all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law” in Palestinian areas.
As usual Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the proposed UNHRC inquiry as a “travesty” and condemned the organization for failing to bring Hamas to account for its own conduct. Israeli barbarism has now spread from Gaza to the West Bank. The confrontation is widening. With that civilian casualties also rising. The number of Palestinian killed has exceeded 1000 including a pregnant woman and about 6000 injured. The mother died but the child delivered alive.
Killing of Palestinian Muslims is nothing for Netanyahu and the more Palestinians are killed more satisfying it is for him. The people are not taking into account the destruction of office buildings and residential houses. Even hospitals are not spared. The Gaza is being reduced to rubble.
In the Western countries, incidents happening in Ukraine are receiving cold war like urgent attention. How much Putin is to be blamed for the tragedy of Malaysian plane shot down over rebel held Ukraine killing all the 298 passengers is seen by USA and others in the West as a major international concern. That is well-deserving. But Netanyahu in a month has killed as a show of force more than 1000 Muslim men, women and children. That is not much of a matter to discuss and condemn. This is double-speak for the US and other governments of the West.
Deaths and destruction caused everyday by Israel in Gaza systematically for decades is nothing but savagery. So truce for more war and more killing of Muslims by Israel cannot be right.
Netanyahu has been committing genocide since 2006 and it is confirmed by no less a person than Israeli historian IIan Pappey in an article published in 2006 that “a genocide is taking place” in Gaza.
He behaves as if to make Israel safe he has every right to deny the Palestinians to be alive. He can occupy any part of Palestine he pleases. It is reported that the Israeli army will remain in Gaza to disable Hamas. It is believed that Netanyahu is going for expanding the State of Israel.
It is not the first time that The United Nations’ Human Rights Commission is talking about investigating the human crisis in Gaza. Half the resolutions passed by the Commission found Israel responsible for violating human rights of the Palestinians. But United Nations was no good to effectively do anything against Israel. America had no hesitation to use veto power for saving Israel.
There is a just solution available on the basis of international consensus. Let the Palestinians and the Jews have their separate states recognized simultaneously under the guidance of the United Nations. But that is not acceptable to Israel.
The Jews of Israel are being used for keeping Middle East Muslim countries divided and suspicious of each other. It will be interesting to examine seriously why Muslim countries are busy fighting Muslim terrorism within their countries and who are behind.
Let Muslim countries find time to think about the larger picture and deeper conspiracy pursued against them. Israel is not fighting its own war for its own people. It is being maintained as a vicious killing machine.
Netanyahu claims his country is being attacked by Hamas from sea, land and sky. He should be proved right by organising Muslims everywhere attacks on Israel from all sides. Only then Netanyahu will know what war means.  
The Economist of London has found justification in holding that it will be a “grave mistake” to bring about a ceasefire that achieved nothing more than reverting to status quo.
The fact is truce was made before also but that did not prevent Netanyahu to find excuses to wage ruthless military aggressions against innocent civilians in Gaza.
The Muslim countries have to come together to move against brutal aggressions of Israel. Only then lives and properties of the Palestinian Muslims will be safe, they will have the dignity of living in their own free country.
The world has not forgotten how all the initiatives for peace and settlement have been subverted by Israel for its arrogance of borrowed power. More recently the US Secretary of State John Kerry, at the initiative of President Obama, worked really hard for arriving at a peaceful settlement between Israel and Palestine. John Kerry himself had to say in the end that mainly for Israel his efforts had failed.
Muslim countries must forget help from the United States. It is Israel that needs America’s help and protection. Muslims have to depend on their own strength and unity. Against Netanyahu, a racist killer, the Muslims have no choice but stand together and confront Netanyahu.
