Muradpur foot overbridge to open soon : CDA

Chattogram Bureau :
The construction works of the long felt demand of Muradpur foot over bridge has already been completed and is expected to be opened for pedestrians very shortly. On the other hand the constructions of GEC crossing foot over bridge halted following the resistance of the locals there. CDA sources said about Tk3 cr spent for constructing the bridge. CDA officials did not specifically mentioned who are resisting the constructions of GEC foot bridge.
A pedestrian told this correspondent that ‘ we are regular bus passenger of Hathazari road and we have to cross the crossing taking life risk as there was not traffic signal . Hathazari and Raozan bus service station is located in Bibirhat point of the crossing . He said after opening of this foot bridge, the pedestrians essily to cross the road from both sides. Meanwhile the regular traffic congestions in the crossing will be ease to the maximum extents. CDA chairman M Jahirul Alam Dobash told that Muradpur bridge will be opened very shortly and the construction of GEC foot bridge to restart soon .