Mujibnagar Day observed also in Karachi

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Karachi, Pakistan on Sunday observed the historic Mujibnagar Day with due solemnity and zeal recalling the role of the Mujibnagar Government.
A discussion meeting was organised marking the day on the Chancery premises in the morning.
The programme started with the ceremonial
hoisting of the National Flag by Noor-E Helal Saifur Rahman, the Deputy High Commissioner at the Chancery premises. Mission officials and members of the expatriate Bangladesh community were present. Special prayer seeking the salvation of the departed souls of the founding leaders of Mujibnagar Government and that of the martyrs of 1971 was offered, said a press release.
Officials of the mission read out the messages of President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, and Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali highlighting the significance of the day. Members of the expatriate Bangladesh community took part in the discussion.
While delivering his speech, Saifur Rahman presented the historical facts and events leading to the formation of the Mujibnagar Government. He highlighted the role of the Mujibnagar Government in conducting the war against Pakistani forces in 1971 and the Mujibnagar Government’s valiant efforts to unite the nation and lead it in both domestic and international fronts.
Underscoring the sublime importance of this day, he urged all the expatriate Bangladeshis not to forget the historic role of the Mujibnagar Government in visualising dreams of independence.