District watch in pictures: BHALUKA (Mymensingh): Bhaluka Swechchhasebak League brought out a rally marking the 23rd anniversary of the organisation on Wednesday. Among others, Prof M Amanullah MP , Gulam Mustafa , Chairman, Bhaluka UP, Abdul Jalil, President, Bhaluka Upazial Swechchhasebak League, and Jakir Hossain, General Secretary of the organisation were present in the rally. .

BHALUKA (Mymensingh): Bhaluka Swechchhasebak League brought out a rally marking the 23rd anniversary of the organisation on Wednesday. Among others, Prof M Amanullah MP , Gulam Mustafa , Chairman, Bhaluka UP, Abdul Jalil, President, Bhaluka Upazial Swech
BHALUKA (Mymensingh): Bhaluka Swechchhasebak League brought out a rally marking the 23rd anniversary of the organisation on Wednesday. Among others, Prof M Amanullah MP , Gulam Mustafa , Chairman, Bhaluka UP, Abdul Jalil, President, Bhaluka Upazial Swech

