Attack on CPB rally: Mufti Hannan, 12 others indicted

Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court yesterday (Thursday) framed charges against Harkatul Jihad (HuJi) leader Mufti Abdul Hannan and 12 others in a case filed under the Explosive substances Act in connection with a attack on CPB rally in 2001.
Judge Imrul Kayes of the Third Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge’s Court indicted them on Thursday and set October 23 to record the depositions of the witnesses.
On Jan 20, 2001, a grenade attack on a CPB rally at Dhaka’s Paltan Maidan killed four people on the spot, while another died in hospital.
Two cases were filed in connection with the incident-one for killing and another under the Explosive Substances Act. On August 21, the court framed charges against 13 suspects in the murder case.
Two years after the attack, Crime Investigation Department (CID) of Police submitted a final report on Dec 17, 2003 accusing none.
On Jan 27, 2005, the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate asked the authorities concerned to re-investigate the matter following a petition for fresh probe into the cases.