Mr Trump`s `demonising` policies threatening world peace

THE mass deportation that President Donald Trump has pressed in the past several days is only spreading fear and dividing the American nation. The Amnesty International’s annual report, presented last Wednesday in Paris has objectively pointed out how the US President Donald Trump and some others like Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and such other politicians are increasingly spreading venomous ideologies through a toxic political agenda to break global peace. Moreover, the report has sent a clear warning of how the “us vs them” rhetoric is fuelling a global pushback against human rights when the global response is perilously weak.

However, the dangerous credence that some people are less human than others is threatening to unleash the darkest sides of human nature. In fact, the mass deportation of undocumented foreigners from the USA is heading towards a very aggressive enforcement of immigration laws to allow massive detention and deportation. The Canadian government stance to keep the border with USA open for prospective refugees to cross into Canada is a welcome step in this situation.

Understandably, Mr. Trump’s hateful rhetoric is now increasingly having pervasive impacts on policies and actions. That’s not all – Mr. Trump’s executive order to prevent refugees’ from re-settling in America is just giving boost to some other countries trying to unlawfully sending refugees back to a country where they couldn’t practice their rights or where their future is uncertain.

On the whole the scenario is bleak, and every sensible world leaders must take immediate note for adopting precautionary measures for deterring the toxic spread of despicable dehumanising agenda.


Not that all Western powers are playing to the cheap populist tune, bold steps of the Canadian Prime Minister to continue to accept asylum seekers crossing illegally from the United States is a strong remonstration against narrower national and racial prejudices. The German Chancellor’s recent pledge to take-in more refugees from the war torn Middle East is another sign of a strong humanitarian commitment.

Most importantly, based on facts occurring around the globe – the biggest question of 2017 is, for how long the civilised democratic powers will tolerate such demonising and de-humanising atrocities being committed around?

Responding to the question above, the Amnesty report has stressed on the immediate global solidarity to challenge narrower populist beliefs. Public mobilisation to stand up against those in power is the need of the hour. And why only look towards the West’s direction, the report has also critically mentioned Bangladesh.

The bottom-line is, Mr Trump is taking the world towards a dangerous direction where the need for all of us, is to stand up for preserving the basic values of human dignity and ensure equality for all and everywhere.
