MPO listed teachers’ work abstension extended by 3-day

MPO-listed school teachers (left) continue hunger strike for 14th day and (right) Community Health Care Providers (CHCP) now occupying the major portion of both sides of main street in front of Jatiya Press Club for the 2nd day strike on Sunday for nation
MPO-listed school teachers (left) continue hunger strike for 14th day and (right) Community Health Care Providers (CHCP) now occupying the major portion of both sides of main street in front of Jatiya Press Club for the 2nd day strike on Sunday for nation
Staff Reporter :
Agitating teachers and employees of Monthly Pay Order (MPO) listed non-government secondary schools and colleges on Sunday extended their strike by three days till January 31.
They will observe work abstention in all the secondary and higher secondary educational institutions across the country for three days for nationalisation of their institutions.
Nazrul Islam Rony, Adviser of
Besarkari Shikhkha Jatiyakaran Liaison Forum (BSJLF), and President of Bangladesh Shikkhok Somittee said, “We have extended our work abstention. I hope that the Prime Minister will take a decision to meet our demand,” he said.
Meanwhile, hundreds of teachers gathered in front of the Jatiya Press Club on the 14th day of their fast unto death under the banner of BSJLF.
On the day, their colleagues in many non-government institutions across the country also abstained from works in solidarity with the protest demanding nationalisation of their schools and colleges, after the agitating teachers had called for countrywide work abstention on Saturday and Sunday from Dhaka.
Regular activities, however, continued as usual in a significant number of secondary schools and colleges under MPO system, said teachers.
On Thursday, the teachers and employees called the strike on the 11th day of their ongoing fast-unto-death programme in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka on the open roads and footpaths in chilling cold wave.
On the day, the number of ailing teachers’ and staff increased to 163, while seven teachers were admitted Dhaka Medical College Hospital and Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for Diabetes, said the forum Joint Convener GM Shawon.
Earlier on January 21, the teachers observed strike for one day to press forth their demand. The teachers have been requested by the Education Minister and state minister for technical and madrassah education and Kazi Keramat Ali, subsequently on January 23 and January 24, 25 to call off their protest.
But they rejected the requests and continued their protest. Earlier from January 9 to 14, they observed a sit-in demonstration to press forth their demands.