MP Pinu`s car confiscated

Rony confesses shooting from his gun : IO

MP's son Rony seen while he was taken to Magistrate Court on Sunday. AL MP Pinu's car was confiscated from her NAM Bhaban by the DB police on Monday.
MP's son Rony seen while he was taken to Magistrate Court on Sunday. AL MP Pinu's car was confiscated from her NAM Bhaban by the DB police on Monday.

Staff ReporterPolice have seized Awami League MP Pinu Khan’s Land Cruiser Prado [black colour SUV] from the garage of NAM Bhaban in connection with the recent incident of double murder in Dhaka.Police said they confiscated the car on Sunday late night ‘for the sake of proper investigation’ to the double murder where the woman lawmaker’s son Bakhtiyar Alam Rony is a prime accused.Rony fired from his gun when the car on which he was riding got blocked in traffic jam on April 14 this year. He was boarding the car of his lawmaker mother with the sticker of a Parliament member.Police arrested Rony on May 31 over the killing of auto-rickshaw driver Yakub Ali and rickshaw-puller Abdul Hakim. Police also arrested the vehicle’s driver Imran Fakir the same day. Police were hunting for three other suspects, Investigation Officer of the case and Sub- Inspector Deepak Kumar Das said.During primary interrogation, Rony admitted to the Investigating Officer that he fired the shots from his licensed gun. He also said that he had fired on them being excited after taking intoxicating drugs.Besides, the driver Fakir in his statement to the court said that Rony opened fire from inside the black car in the small hours of April 14.It was learnt that Rony shot down two people in a drunken stage and “out of frustration” over the post-midnight traffic jam. Mother of slain auto rickshaw driver Monowara Begum filed a case with the concerned police station two days after the incident. In the complaint, she said her son was killed when somebody fired indiscriminately from a white microbus.When the police launched an investigation, it was found that the car was not a white microbus, but a black SUV. And the passengers of the car were Rony and some of his friends. In this backdrop, Joint Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police [DMP] Monirul Islam yesterday said, “The black Prado belongs to ruling party lawmaker Pinu Khan, Rony’s mother. It was seized from a garage of NAM flat on Sunday night.” Explaining the details, he further said, “We have primarily confirmed Rony fired the shots from inside the black Prado. Police traced the car with the help of CCTV footages. We are preliminarily sanguine that the bullets were fired Rony’s gun.” “The bullets recovered from the bodies and gun seized from Rony have been sent to CID for ballistic test. It will be confirmed after we get the CID report. Rony may be taken to remand again in favour of investigation,” he said. The DB Boss said, “Rony showed his unwillingness about the confessional statement [under 164] from the very beginning. Even if Rony doesn’t give any statement under Section 164 CRPC, it will not be difficult for us to prove him guilty. He will be proved guilty following the statements of other arrestees.” Monirul Islam also denied about facing any ‘pressure’ to conduct the investigation. “We are conducting operation to nab three others those were in the car with Rony on that night,” he said.  Meanwhile, Pinu Khan said she has completed respect for the law and handed over the vehicle for the purpose of fair investigation.
