Mostafizur of DPS STS School attends BETT Asia Conference 2015


Campus Reports :

Mostafizur Rahaman Mridha, IT Manager & Board Exam Coordinator of DPS STS School, Dhaka attended the BETT Asia Conference 2015 held from 17th-18th November in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Almost 1000 representatives from over 100 countries attended the Summit. Government officials, representatives of different schools, Education Ministers, representatives of IT Industries, officials of technical developments along with Microsoft and its partner affiliations took part in the Summit.
 Mridha also attended the ‘Microsoft School Leader Workshop’ and the workshop focused on ‘How Technology can be effectively used in education.’ The workshop covered teacher student connectivity, overcoming absenteeism and effective sharing of lesson plans through MS Office 365 Application, etc.
Additionally, a seminar was held where Education Ministers of Brunei, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Malaysia and the UK shed light on their educational methodologies. It was a two-day long workshop and participants left feeling enlightened and elated. It was an educational initiative taken by Microsoft and was thoroughly enjoyed by all participants.
