Most of the world officially unites against Myanmar, now it’s time for action

IN a landmark event, the OIC’s draft resolution of the Rohigya crisis was passed at the United Nations on Thursday. Some 171 countries of the UN’s Third Committee actively participated to jointly condemn Myanmar government’s barbaric persecution of the Rohingyas. 135 countries voted condemning the military atrocities and demanded Myanmar to take back and entitle the ousted Rohingyas with full-fledged citizenship following a set of 16 conditions. 26 countries abstained from voting and only a mere 10 countries voted against the proposal taking Myanmar’s side. Our heartfelt thanks to the 135 countries – those were able to gauge the gravity of the crisis and therefore stood united against the Myanmar government.
Most of the world’s conscience is now crystal-clear about the systematic violation and abuse of human rights of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar’s Rakhine state.The non-binding UN measure is now set to be placed at the full assembly for debate next month, but the scale of crisis continues to shoot up. Even in the wake of such big-scale global denunciation, Myanmar’s army continues to deny all allegations of rapes and killings by its security forces. Gunshots were reportedly heard and villages put into flames even until yesterday. Refugees are still entering Bangladesh.
This is enough to send a clear signal that, at least the imminent future of the ethnic minority, is yet bleak. If Myanmar government doesn’t respond to the UN’s Thursday voting anytime quick, we are afraid that the crisis will continue to get bigger. Suu Kyi’s government is still not responding by taking any concrete measures. Thursday’s resolution also asks the U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to appoint a special envoy for Myanmar. Even though, it’s not known who would be the person to chair the post, but our call to the future envoy would be to quicken the process of repatriation, punish the perpetrators in the light of crimes against humanity and if the need arises – enforce relevant sanctions on Myanmar.  
The number of significant eye-witnesses and concrete evidences of the massive humanitarian crisis have been there for too long now, it’s time the UN forces Myanmar to act in accordance with the 16 point draft resolution. Enough blood has been spilt to brush it under the carpet.