More tech leaders sound alarm over Trump immigration order


Business Desk :
The US technology industry, a major employer of foreign workers, has hit back at president Donald Trump’s sudden executive order on immigration, with some leaders calling it immoral and un-American, reports Reuters.
Trump’s order temporarily bars citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the United States even if they hold valid visas or permanent residence permits, a move that caught many companies off-guard.
Silicon Valley heads have slammed ban on refugees and many Muslims from entering the United States, fearing it could prevent them from accessing a global reservoir of talent, reports Agence France-Presse.
The sweeping immigration crackdown moved many tech bosses to criticise measures that could impact sector employees.
Netflix Inc chief executive Reed Hastings called it ‘a sad week’ and added: ‘It is time to link arms together to protect American values of freedom and opportunity’, reports Reuters.
Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook sent a letter to employees saying Trump’s order was ‘not a policy we support’ and promised to help affected employees.
‘We have reached out to the White House to explain the negative effect on our coworkers and our company,’ Cook added.
The company’s founder Steve Jobs was the son of a Syrian immigrant, reports AFP.
Elon Musk, the South African-born founder of Tesla and SpaceX who met recently with Trump, said on Twitter: ‘The blanket entry ban on citizens from certain primarily Muslim countries is not the best way to address the country’s challenges’, reports Reuters.
Airbnb co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky said: ‘Not allowing countries or refugees into America is not right and we must stand with those who are affected.’
Airbnb will provide free housing to anyone not allowed into the United States, Chesky said.
Aaron Levie, the outspoken founder and CEO of online storage company Box Inc, said: ‘The executive order on immigration is immoral and antithetical to our values.’
Friday’s order could be a major headache for tech companies, potentially leaving employees stranded overseas and unable to return to the United States.
Alphabet Inc’s Google urgently called back employees from overseas and told ones who might be affected by the ban not to leave the United States.
