More students need to be made IT professionals: Palak

BSS, Dhaka :
State Minister for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak called for taking preparations to face the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR) and utilize the opportunities to be created due to digital transformation.
“Every year two million students complete graduation in our country. Japan is in need of recruiting two lakh ITprofessionals every year.
So the opportunity to enter the Japan’s labor market should be exploited…,” Palak added.
He said this on Wednesday while speaking as the chief guest at the award ceremony of IT Engineers in BCC auditorium of ICT tower .
Executive Director of Bangladesh Computer Council Parthaprotim Deb presided over the meeting .
Senior secretary of ICT division N M Ziaul Alam, country representative of JICA Bangladesh Hitoshi Hirata , acting Charge d’ Affairs and Counsellor of Japanese Embassy in Dhaka Yasuharu Shinto , among others , spoke on the occasion.
Joining the ceremony, country representative of JICA Bangladesh Hitoshi Hirata said, The B-JET Program is a great example of friendly relationships between the peoples of Bangladesh and Japan.
Yasuharu Shinto said, working people in Japan are declining day by day. So workers are being brought from the neighboring countries, he added.
Earlier four batches of B-JET went to Japan from Bangladesh and there earned fame for their work.
