More collaboration for “One Health Initiative” urged


Health Minister Mohammad Nasim yesterday sought supports of concerned agencies for his ministry in spearheading the “One Health Movement”, a global campaign to expand interdisciplinary collaborations to protect human and animal health and environment.
“Without teamwork particularly among the livestock, environment, food and agriculture ministries, health sector alone cannot make it a success,” he told the launching of an international conference titled “Transforming the One Health agenda to a One Health Movement”.
Nasim identified the lack of adequate initiatives on the parts of concerned departments and ministries as a major barrier in launching an all inclusive collaboration for the public health, veterinary medicine and environmental protection.
“Where are the people of the other ministries (for the campaign)? We need the support of all ministries for the movement,” he said visibly referring to lesser initiatives on the parts of ministries other than the health ministry for the One Health Movement.
The minister regretted that previously food inspectors were seen visiting the village haats and market places to enforce anti-contamination vigils while they visibly appeared indivisible despite their appointments and postings.
The minister urged the deputy commissioners and local public representatives including parliament members to monitor weather the local food inspectors were performing their duties properly.
“My government is also committed to improve food security … several steps have already been taken including implementation of the food borne disease surveillance, laboratory networking and strengthening the sanitary inspectors”, the minister added.
The national disease monitoring arm, Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) organised the three-day international conference aim to share knowledge, technology and experiences on One Health practices and promote networking, partnership and collaboration among non-traditional partners across the world.
This was the 8th One Health Bangladesh conference held at RAOWA Convention Hall at Mohakhali in the city with health secretary Syed Monjurul Islam in the chair while representatives of different ministries, World Health Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organization, UNICEF, USAID were present.
