Moongphali Chikki

Ingredients :
1 cup – Raw peanuts
1 cup – Powdered sugar
2 – Powdered cardamom
2 tsp – Crushed pistachios
A pinch – Salt
2 tsp – Ghee
* Grease a plate with oil or ghee and keep it ready.
* Heat a frying pan and roast peanuts on low flame for few minutes. Transfer the contents on a plate.
* Once the peanuts cool down, rub them between your fingers to remove the skin. Lightly, crush them.
* Heat the same pan, add two teaspoons of ghee, sugar, 2 tablespoons of water, salt and mix well. Bring to boil. Once it starts boiling, lower the flame and keep stirring until the sugar starts changing color and turns brown.
* Add a few drops of syrup in the bowl filled with water to check consistency. It should not get dissolved in water immediately, and you should be able to form a ball with it.
* Once you’ve reached that consistency, remove from flame and add roasted peanuts and cardamom.
* Gently mix to combine the peanuts.
* Transfer the contents onto a greased plate and spread evenly. Sprinkle some crushed pistachios over it.
*Cut it into equal pieces using a greased knife when it is still warm. When it completely cools down, break into pieces and store in air-tight container