Monitoring cell formed to control rice prices

Staff Reporter :
The Food Ministry on Wednesday formed a special monitoring cell to control and regulate the price of rice in the country.
Strict legal action would be taken if anyone is involved in manipulating and inflating rice prices
The monitoring cell was formed following a directive from Food Minister Sadhan Chandra
 Majumder during a meeting with high officials of the ministry at the Secretariat on Wednesday, the ministry sources said. At the meeting, the food minister said that price difference between paddy and rice needs to be kept coherent and measures need to be taken to ensure no one can manipulate and inflate rice prices. The minister also said that it has to be ensured that farmers get the price they deserve for the yields and at the same time, ensure the price of rice remains affordable for the consumers. He directed strict legal against anyone involved in manipulating and inflating rice prices in the meeting.
A total of seven market monitoring teams have been formed under the Food Ministry and Directorate General of Food to stop the tendency of spiralling market prices of essentials, ensure market price stability and fair prices for farmers, the sources added.
These teams have been tasked to gather price updates from major wholesale rice markets in Dhaka on a daily basis along with comparing daily prices with the last two days and compiling daily reports.
