Money speaks!

Team Pickle :
Imagine having so many spare dollars lying around that you can spend them on flying 80 falcons in a plane.
This picture is going viral, and for darn good reason.
What you’re seeing here is about 80 falcons ready to board a plane, apparently after each was bought a ticket to ride by a Saudi prince. This has to be one of the strangest Reddit threads we’ve seen today.
Brought to our attention by Redditor lensoo, the photo is quickly going viral less than 24 hours after it was
posted. Of course, the common economy-dwelling folk on Reddit immediately ripped this to threads.
“Oh so he’s a poor Saudi Prince who can only afford to transport his 80 hawks via commercial airlines. Poor fella,” Redditor SchpartyOn said. “Why does he own 80 birds and 0 planes?” bangupjobasusual asked.
“Obviously fake. A real Saudi prince would never let his hawks fly coach,” LegendOfBobbyTables said.
But it’s legit, and not an uncommon sight on Arab airlines – albeit not on this scale.
Although, something similar happened in 2014, footage of which is above.
It turns out flying with your exotic hunting bird/status symbol is a totally normal thing for the mega super filthy rich. In the United Arab Emirates, passports are required for the birds to fly – in an aeroplane, that is.
They cost about $130 and are wildly popular with more than 28,000 passports issued to UAE falcons between 2002 and 2013.
There are even specially-designed falcon perches for first class birds to travel in style.
Etihad will fly with falcons as checked baggage or in the cabin and according to Qatar Airways’ pet policy, bringing a falcon on board is totally fine.