Modi’s party vows to strip Muslim immigrants of vote in eastern India

Reuters, Jaleswar :
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist party has vowed to disenfranchise millions of Muslim immigrants in a volatile frontier state, waging a polarising election campaign in a bid to form its first government there.
In campaign rallies in the remote state of Assam, officials of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have also promised to identify and deport younger illegal migrants, in response to rising discontent among the state’s Hindus. When Assam elects a state legislature in April, an estimated 10 per cent of its 20 million voters will be Muslims who have migrated since the 1950s from the former East Pakistan, later Bangladesh, and gained Indian citizenship.
“Legal Indian citizens are being branded as Bangladeshis,” student Ismail Hussain, wearing a white skullcap, told Reuters at a rally held by a mainly Muslim party in Assam. “The BJP can’t just do what they want. We have faith in the Indian constitution.”
Modi, 65, swept to power less than two years ago with a promise of jobs and growth, playing down his roots in the powerful Hindu-nationalist umbrella group to which his party is affiliated. Yet, after a heavy defeat last autumn in Bihar, another eastern state, the BJP has pursued a more confrontational line. It has promoted the idea that India is a Hindu nation and rounded on “anti-national” opponents, in what critics say is an attempt to marginalis