Modi thanks Dhaka for ‘excellent arrangements’ during his visit


UNB, Dhaka :
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has thanked Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen for the “excellent arrangements” made during his recent State Visit to Bangladesh.
Prime Minister Modi also congratulated the Bangladesh government for flawless arrangement of the spectacular celebrations on March 26 to mark 50 years of Bangladesh’s Independence as well as the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
“I write to convey my thanks for the excellent arrangements made
during my recent State Visit to Bangladesh. It was a pleasure to exchange thoughts with you during the visit,” Modi said in his recent letter to Dr Momen.
During the visit, Bangladesh and India agreed to accelerate the momentum that exists between the two countries with an eye on next 50 years of cooperation in diversified areas.
