Mobile court to monior cattle markets to ensure safe meat

Staff Reporter :
The authorities will conduct mobile court in cattle markets in Dhaka so that traders cannot use poisonous steroid to make sacrificial animals healthy.
It has been seen that during Eid-ul-Azha some dishonest traders use detrimental steroid to show their cattle healthy that has numerous impact on human health. It is also cause of some dangerous diseases such as kidney, liver, blindness, dementia and cancer.
Sources said, the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP), RAB, Dhaka District Administration, Livestock
Department and Consumer Rights Protection Directorate will operate mobile courts at the cattle markert to be set up in the capital and its adjacent ahead of Eid-ul-Azha.
The courts, led by an executive magistrate, will take action if traders use poisonous steroid to make sacrificial cattle healthy and ensure the market leaseholders meet the conditions they were given.
Members of RAB and police will remain present at all the cattle markets in the city to miantin law and order and ensure security of cattle traders and buyers.
Besides, veterinary teams will also check cattle in city markets to ensure safe meat.
RAB’s Executive Magistrate Sarwar Alam told New Nation , “Last year, we saw a number of sacrificial animails which were fattened with harmful steroid injections. Two cattle traders were sentenced for the crime. Meats turn poisonouts once it contaminated steroid. Intake of such meat cause huge damage for human health. So, this time we will all the cattle markets to ensure steroid free cattles.”