MIT student organises 6-day workshop

Business Desk :
Massachusetts Institute of Technology students and alumni has organised a 6-day workshop for undergraduate level students in Bangladesh that will include 3 days learning of Interactive problem solving, Rapid Idea generation, Hardware prototyping, Automated human emotion analysis, Automated speech sentiment analysis, Virtual & augmented reality, Mechanical design technique, Data visualization and analysis tools, Technical product management etc.
The last 3 days will be group activities to build products and services. The event will run in University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) Campus B & EMK Center from 23rd July to 28th July. On 29th July there will be a Demo Day which will be held at ULAB Campus A.
The program is facilitated by Toru – the idea tree. Toru is the first innovation hub of Bangladesh that supports the transformation of innovations to social enterprises. Standard Chartered Bangladesh is the Gold Sponsor of this event and Microsoft is the Technology associate for this event.
Bitopi Das Chowdhury, Head of Corporate Affairs, Standard Chartered Bangladesh said “We are proud to be the Gold sponsor for this initiative. We believe this will be a step forward for the youth in terms of skill building, complementing the mainstream academic education and pacing our youth towards the global knowledge pool.”
Saif Kamal, Founder of Toru said, “Toru is dedicated to support the transformation innovations to social enterprises. To make successful enterprises of the future we need to bridge the knowledge gap. Our association with Kolpokoushul is the beginning of this journey to equip the youth to build better sustainable solutions for greater social inclusion.”
Aamra Technology, Renata, EMK Center and BD apps are also part of this initiative as Silver Sponsors.