Minimum tax-free income threshold needs to be clear: Dr Wahiduddin


Business Desk :
Former Dhaka University professor and economist Dr Wahiduddin Mahmud has said that personal income tax thresholds remain unaddressed in the Budget FY2022-23, and the government needs to make clear directives regarding the minimum tax-free income threshold.
In a Facebook post on Friday, Dr Wahiduddin narrated an anecdote about the dilemma of raising his driver’s salary, which would put his income within the threshold of taxable income.
“It is ridiculous to put millions of lower-income people under the tax net on paper without any effective measures to prevent tax evasion by the upper-class or upper-middle-class people or checking corruption in the tax administration,” he remarked.
Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal on Thursday placed the proposed budget with an outlay of Tk 6,78,064 crore in parliament.
