Milad-un-Nabi on Dec 13

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The holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi, the day of birth and demise of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), will be marked on December 13 across the country as elsewhere in the Muslim World with due respect and religious fervor. The National Moon Sighting Committee declared the date after meeting at Islamic Foundation conference room in Baitul Mukkarram in the
capital on Wednesday evening. Various religious, socio-political and cultural organizations are set to chalk out the elaborative programmes in the city and elsewhere in the country, including milad mahfil and Qurankhwani, marking the day.
On this day in 570 AD, the 12th of Rabiul Awal of the Hizri calendar, Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah in Saudi Arabia with divine blessings and messages of peace for mankind. He passed away on the same day in 632 AD. The day is a public holiday.