Memory mausoleum of 48 martyrs in negligence

Sylhet Bureau :
Some 48 freedom fighters were killed separately by Pakistani occupation forces in Liberation War 1971. The Hindu and Muslim freedom fighters were placed at Dolura in Jahangirnagar UP of Sunamganj. Memory mausoleum of 48 martyrs was built.
The travelers are not visiting the mausoleum for a long time due to lack of renovation, preservation, and communication mismanagement. The tourist-friendly place with the renovation has been demanded.
In 1971, the local ‘Mukti Sangram Smriti Trust’ took the initiative to preserve the mausoleum. The name of all martyrs is carved on a marble stone and placed on each grave pillar. 48 of 6 Hindu freedom fighters are also placed. Dolura was a hill camp of freedom fighters. Sunamganj district was the location of the raiding forces. There are many front wars between the freedom fighters and Pakistani occupation forces.
Local Suma Akter said, ‘Visitors from all over the country came to visit the memory mausoleum of 48 martyrs. Tourists will be increased if the communication facilities become better, hotels and restaurants increased. Then, it should be more attractive.’
The freedom fighters said many people found the loved ones in this mausoleum. The graves need to be well protected and maintained to give due respect to 48 martyrs. Many people came to see the mausoleum. As communication is not good, the tourists are turning away. Tahirpur Upazila Parishad Chairman Kamruzzaman Kamrul said, ‘This tomb will revive to the new generation with the spirit of freedom fighters. As the source of inspiration, we will move forward.’
Sunamganj District Council Chairman Nurul Huda Mukut said, ‘The tourist facilities of the mausoleum of 48 martyrs have been sent to Ministry of Development Planning. We will start the renovation work after getting approval.’