Mega projects for mega corruption, says Fakhrul

Staff Reporter :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Friday said that the of mega projects in the proposed National Budget is to based corruption only.
He said it while addressing a discussion at the BNP central office at Naya Paltan in the capital jointly organised by Zia Smriti Pathagar
and Jatiyatabadi Prokashona Sangstha on the occasion of the inauguration of the month-long book exhibition. The programme arranged to mark 36th death anniversary of late President Ziaur Rahman.
Mirza Fakhrul said people have been tied with the net of tax. Every citizen of the country, including the middle and lower income people, has been burdened by load of tax with the imposition of 15 per cent VAT.
“The proposed budget would not do any good to people, rather it would sting,” he said.
The BNP leader claimed that the government would use the budget to enhance their leaders bank balances.
Fakhrul also criticised the decreasing allocation on education and health sectors in the budget.
Finance Minister AMA Muhith presented the proposed National Budget for Tk 400,266 crore for 2017-18 fiscal in the Parliament on Thursday.